Thursday 11 April 2019!

On Wednesday at Garden to Table, Nadia Lim and Aaron from Dancing with the Stars came to garden and cook with us. She filmed us and ate with us. I had lots of fun.


  1. Kia Ora, my name is Titan and I'm from Room 23 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about Dancing with the Stars. I remember when I did something like this it was so Fun!.Have you ever tried it Fun Before or interesting?

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog

    Blog you later
    Titan vakauta!

    1. Kia Ora Titan.I really thank you for the comment.I will make sure I check out you're blog.
      blog ya later!

  2. Hi my name is Isaiah and i'm from Room 23 at Owairaka District school. I really liked your blog post about Dancing with the stars Nadia and her dancing with the stars partner Aaron. I remember when I did something like this t fun. have you tr tried making slide's ? hares my link. blog you later

  3. I really like what your class did i wish our class did that blog you later

  4. Hi My name is Rowena! I am from Room 22!
    I really liked your blog post about Dancing Stars! I remember when my class did Garden To Table! Did you get to greet and talk with Nadia and Aaron? Have you ever tried to Decribe how it was fun?
    You Should check out my blog!
    Blog you later!

  5. Hi Nicolas my name is Zion-LI from Room 22. I really like your post about garden to table and how you described how it was and how you told us that you worked with Nadia from dancing with the stars. Can you describe more about it? Here's a link to my blog blog ya later
